COVID-19 Sanitizing and Disinfecting Procedures

In response to the global pandemic, sometimes simply referred to as the “Covid-19 crisis,” property owners are expected, and in many instances required, to provide a safe environment to all who access their property.

As businesses in the Northeast begin to reopen, the new reality for property owners and business owners alike will involve a rigorous cleaning protocol which can be clearly communicated to customers and employees so everyone understands that safety is the top priority.

In adapting our cleaning procedures to align with the latest CDC guidance, FRC Services is offering sanitizing and disinfecting services to new and existing clients:

  • Common area surface disinfecting – handrails, door knobs, mailboxes, light switches, restroom sinks and toilets
    • High-touch surfaces in common should be cleaned regularly using a multi-step disinfecting process
    • CDC and FDA approved disinfecting products designed to kill coronavirus and other viruses and germs must be used following the proper safety procedures
  • Office, retail, restaurant sanitizing – as employees and customers return, the areas where the sit, eat and shop will require regular cleaning to minimize viral spread, particularly in shared spaces like conference rooms, dining areas, changing rooms, etc.

Unfortunately, while a lobby or office can be cleaned routinely and appear tidy for days, weeks or months, the process of sanitizing and disinfecting requires greater vigilance. To minimize and hopefully prevent viral spread, the CDC recommends daily disinfecting of high-touch surfaces. FRC Services is offering a disinfecting services coupled with regular cleaning services on a schedule that fits clients’ needs:

  • Daily sanitizing (5 or 6 days/week) and full cleaning
  • Daily sanitizing (5 or 6 days/week) and once-per-week full cleaning
  • Weekly sanitizing and full cleaning
  • Bi-weekly sanitizing and full cleaning
  • Monthly full cleaning